The summer has always seemed the best ?poca to get pregnant. Don't s?lo by the date of birth of the beb? doing nacer? in spring, a good ?poca with benign temperatures that benefit the development of the beb? and the family to a life outside, but tambi?n because the relajaci?n from which the couple enjoys during its holiday favors the predisposi?n getting pregnant. ?

And the as? statistics show. A study by Ginefiv assisted reproducci?n cl?nica reveals that the demand for fertility treatment is increased in the summer months by 12 per cent in the rest of the a?o comparaci?n. Hours of summer and the rest of the holiday favor pregnancy naturally and tambi?n help to cope with ?xito assisted reproducci?n treatment.
Summer, relaxing holidays, hours relajaci?n... influence decisively in the predisposici?n to get pregnant, but there are other factors to consider such as these 10 tips to get pregnant that recommended us the Ginefiv cl?nica m?dico team:1. ?La age. ?A starting at the 35 a?os begin the difficulties to conceive, is incrementa?el risk of abortion y?la possibility of the beb? suffer from alg?n disorder cromos?mico. The woman's age is a key factor to conceive, and however, ?cada time arises m?s motherhood later. For each a?o, calculated from the 35 a?os, the chances of getting pregnant are reduced 5 percent due to the disminuci?n of the oocyte quality and the ?vulos reserve. ?
?2. Healthy life. Tobacco and alcohol reduces the chances of pregnancy, women who smoke require m?s medicaci?n with gonadotropins to stimulate the ovulaci?n and rates of implantaci?n low m?s. The consumption of tobacco and alcohol increases the chances of having abortions, extrauterinas pregnancies and other complications like placenta previa, prematurity... and even risk of premature menopause. Alcohol this prohido completely during pregnancy. ?3. Ideal weight. Obesity and extreme thinness son?perjudiciales fertility. On the one hand, obesity est? associated with failures in the ovulaci?n and increased risk of gestational diabetes and hipertensi?n, while excessive thinness can reduce the producci?n of the hormone GnRH and alter ovulaci?n, as? such as affect the availability of the uterine lining so that the embri?n can implement in ?l. ??
4. ?Alimentos that help. A diet with a high content in antioxidants (such as fruits and vegetables), vitamins, ?cido f?lico (present in foods such as cereals) ? and omega-3 fatty ?cidos (which is found naturally in oily fish such as the at?n, the salm?n, sardines or seafood), since they can improve the quality of the ?vulos and the male sperm. Instead, the caf? and the food made with refined flour (increasing levels of insulin that negatively interfere with the ovulaci?n) negatively affect fertility female. ?5. ?Relajaci?n. The estr?s can lower the level of gonadotropins and increase prolactin levels, which can end up causing absence of ovulaci?n. Adem?s in women who suffer from a high level of anxiety and estr?s pregnancy rates lower and increase the chance of an abortion. ?
6. Sexual health. Calculate the f?rtiles d?as to have sex and be controlled by the ginec?logo when you want to have a child is critical to a good start and progress of the pregnancy. Be in perfect state of health before becoming pregnant is essential to enjoy a good pregnancy and condebir a beb? healthy. ?7. ?Medicamentos. ?Algunos f?rmacos affect fertility or interfere with fertility treatment medications; others can cause defects in the fetus and even abortion, so it must inform the m?dico.
8. ?Deporte. It is recommended to lower the rate of sport in pregnancy and the intensity of the exercise, without abandoning it.9. ?Actitud positive. It is essential to maintain a balanced emotional state. Optimism is part of this plan to get pregnant.
10. Couple.?UN third of the causes of infertility in the couple are due to the var?n. A good esperm?tica depends on several factors: eliminate the consumption of tobacco and alcohol, negatively influencing the esperm?tico count, take care of the alimentaci?n, control the estr?s and avoid the use of underwear set. ?New Marisol. Editor of GuiaInfantil.com
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