Melanoma, the type of c?ncer skin serious m?s that exists, is est? becoming an important problem of salud?para all the poblaci?n. The first a?os of the ni?os life are paramount in the fight against the c?ncer of skin, because the exposici?n in the Sun received during childhood represents 50 per cent of the exposici?n received throughout his life. And the important m?s is that the skin has a memory, i.e. While we repair does not forget the received da?o. In childhood we consume almost 80 per cent of our solar capital.

With the prop?sito curb the harmful effect on the ni?os?y del?sol raise as? parents as their children about the risks involved exposure to Sun sin?una proper protecci?n. Llaman?la atenci?n the following data:
1. The increase of moles in the ni?os may predict an increased risk of melanoma. The aparici?n of moles by the harmful effects of the Sun depends on activity that has developed in the open air from childhood and is now between three and four times higher that makes fifty a?os.
2. The da?os caused by the exposici?n rampant Sun accumulate progressively in the skin
3. The ni?os suffered sunburn have increased risk of developing melanoma.
4. The solar h?bitos of the ni?os should be improved.
5. Monitor the moles in the ni?os aparici?n, especially when it comes to ni?os.
6. The prolonged exposure to the Sun increases by 5 percent the presence of moles, which are the factor dangerous m?s of less than seven a?os ni?os c?ncer.
7 When the Moon is asim?trico, presents a few jagged edges, its tone is dark and measures 6 mil?metros m?s, the m?dico should be consulted immediately. With the arrival of summer in many corners of the world, it is convenient ense?emos to cu?l ni?os should be your attitude about the exposici?n in the Sun. In fact, until the ni?os began vacations, a school did to this poes?a trav?s:
If you want to go to the beach, get the cream before you leave,
and if the Sun you want to enjoy, glasses, Cap, t-shirt must not forget the umbrella should take;
and, now, ?a the beach to play!
Vilma Medina. Director of GuiaInfantil.com
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