Breastfeeding or breastfeed a beb? always wakes up doubts and questions the mothers, they are finding their answers seg?n become known m?s to their beb?. Do ?Hasta cu?ndo?dar the pecho?o the beb? nurse? Does ?La milk expiration date for the beb?s? ?C?mo know if you have enough for the peque?o breast milk? ?C?mo weaning a beb?? Must ?Cu?ndo start the supplementary alimentaci?n? They are so many las?dudas that on a few occasions resolved them the pediatrician and in others the sense every mother com?n.

The World Health Organizaci?n in this World of breastfeeding week (who)advises that only a third of the beb?s around the world are breastfed in the first 6 months of life. Cu?ndo-up should be breastfeeding and offer the beb? chest. It makes a few d?as a mam? sent us an email because quer?a know the opini?n of professionals or mothers in the same situaci?n. She segu?a d?ndole chest to his daughter of two a?os in the snack and before dormir?como complement to the normal alimentaci?n for a ni?o of his age, and although both she and his peque?a liked do, many people you insist?a in that deber?a remove the chest already.
When a mother removed the chest to your beb? is a personal decisi?n: work, comfort, fatigue, lack of time, etc., because the who recommends to continue breastfeeding up to 2 a?os or m?s, that s?, not on exclusivity, since from the 6 months the beb? need m?s contribution cal?rico and appropriate nutritional needs. The organizaci?n recommends exclusive breastfeeding during the first 180 d?as of life of the beb? to a ni?o that was born to t?rmino and with a good weight at birth.
?Qu? means by 'exclusive breastfeeding'? does not provide the nursing ning?n food or drink (not even water) that is not breast milk, although s? is them podr?a give drops or syrups, add-ins vitam?nicos and minerals or drugs. On the other hand, who informs us that breastfeeding is one of the m?s effective ways to ensure the health and survival of the ni?os. The administraci?n of foods that do not consist exclusively in breast milk during the first six months of life contributes to an annual infant deaths mill?n m?s, but curiously children under six months, fed exclusively on breast milk do not reach 40 percent, and is often not by choice of the mothers, but little support given to mothers and families to initiate and maintain breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding continues to offer a last important nutritional contribution the first a?o of life and it has been associated with disease in childhood and obesity cr?nicas reducci?n. As? that I can say that it is a decisi?n for this s?lo mother ?nicamente him because, although us is shocking to see one more of an a?o beb? to sucking him, it is not at all harmful to ?l, in any case, may be tired or debilitating for the mother, if not it takes into account the extra care you need your body.
Mirna Santos. Editor of GuiaInfantil.com
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