Many of us have found us in a situaci?n in which children ignore us, behave badly and not listening to us. Which was not found in a similar situaci?n jam?s is: or because you do not have children or you have done very well from the outset. But, unfortunately, most of the parents of the 21st century do not have this luck.

The pace of today's society, has led to the mayor?a of mothers within the labour market, that is a reality of change dif?cil and m?s in these times of crisis. Because of this, children from an early age spend a few hours with their parents and they hardly know them, started early, walk, use the potty, eating chips, las?guarder?as?con very capable professionals but outside the ideal growth environment that is the family.
No one gives the keys to House his son a?n peque?o or arises be parents weekend s?lo. No one. Many times it is ignorance, other, need. Others not matching the priorities of life, other very mistaken ideas of what is good for your educaci?n. ?C?mo is it possible how much m?s advance quality of life this en?educaci?n?y society, m?s shortcomings afectivas?y of values show our ni?os? ?Como it is possible that the emotional quality in which they live is so fr?gil? ?Por qu? many est?n ni?os medicated with antidepressants...? ?Por qu? there are both school failure, violence and harassment in schools, ?desprecio by the pain of others? ?Por qu? if in school work the integraci?n, the colaboraci?n and the solidarity in the street before a problem or pain of an unknown the great mayor?a are the face back? We have very clear qu? is correct, what happens is that we believe that it must be the other which do something.
Insofar as is one that has to do something, all are excuses, I don't have time, I don't have enough formaci?n that does not touch me to m?, teachers are those who have to educate, the m?dicos I have to solve the problem of the ni?o because m?s f?cil is to give a pill to spend time to listen, understand, and educate. If it is painful to discuss with your child, better avoid spending much time with ?l... No, no and a thousand times no.
It is true that many good people don't have time to educate their children and the first problems worry when they arise, but how do not know where to go to cease it to pass and the ball grows until escapes them from the hands. And then, alternative ?qu? have? To the school any behaviour extra?o or annoying informaci?n in the ni?os, ?cuantos of us already we given hab?amos has before? But we do not act until the criterion of the society can reject the behavior of our children and then act because in the background that we feel rejected, we are ourselves to our children trav?s, since unconsciously parents blame their children because they do not reach the expectations that are created with hab?an.
Emotions, emotions, and m?s without manage emotions by removing all our schemes, creating a climate of crispaci?n in families in which everyone wants to flee and closes the vicious c?rculo. Mediators, coach, family advisors, consultants, therapists, programmers neuroling??sticos are ah? to help manage those emotions, reel off the "problems", provide resources, find other ways of doing things, change behaviors. To stop us to feel, see and hear life real, not that we want it to be, that is. Ense?Amos to the ni?os to put in the place of the other, to distance themselves from the problems, take perspectives, find resources, ultimately we listen to them and them ense?amos to listen to if same.
Elena Mart?nez Albertos.
Co-Director, Advisor and consultant for Swimandcoach
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