I have two wonderful brothers and even though we live in different places, we are and we are very close. When we met we usually remember the "old days" in which jug?bamos, ?bamos of holidays, and one of the memories that m?s makes us re?r are the fights that ten?amos when ?ramos very peque?os. Today we re?mos, but sure that before we've had wrong.

The ni?os, mainly when they are brothers, fighting for everything. By the piece of la?chocolatina m?s, by el?juguete?m?s fun for place in the table, the car ?en,... and mainly when boring se?sienten, any reason is sufficient raz?n to fight. In other words, the ni?os fight for everything and anything. To some extent, there are parents who manage to control and bring order to the situaci?n, but when the conflict is repeated over and over again, after d?a d?a, there is no control that a positive result, which makes parents wondering if this situaci?n is normal, if they are s?lo age, or qu? things you est?n wrong. If your children are fighting, tranquil?zate, it is completely normal. It is part of su?aprendizaje?de life.
The fights can be s?lo a phase or become a family tradition. The ri?as allow each of the ni?os affirms his identity to his brothers. If the ni?o screams, complains, insults, is angry and says clearly what you want and do not want, is est? by listening in the family and, therefore, there is. It is an important in his life stage when parents know control and impose rules and the l?mites to make this phase not in a h?bito or a podr? custom reach adulthood from the ni?os.
The fights between brothers usually 5 or 6 a?os. The children are fighting not for things, but to assert their identity, for the love and the atenci?n of parents and tambi?n to test their l?mites and the dem?s. The ni?o learns that if ?l paste or insults his brother, tambi?n can receive the same instead. The role of parents is essential in this regard. Therefore they must impose some rules from very early:
1 Ense?ar respect is essential to the coexistence with the dem?s, the example and patience. That can do what us the win, although we are angry.
2 Ense?ar to recognize their mistakes and ask perd?n. Jam?s should go to bed angry with each other. That we ense?? my mother.
3 Ense?ar that they have right to get angry, to discuss, to disagree, but not to fight or to insult or humiliate the other. When one does not want, two not fight. As? thing to punish the two and not s?lo one, unless you est? clear qui?n is really the culprit.
4. Establish the consequences of the lack of compliance with the rules. If fighting punished without seeing their favorite drawings, etc.
5. Stimulate the di?logo and the talk among the children.
6. Consider if the est? family living a moment dif?cil of changes, etc. Something can est? influencing the behavior of the children.
7. The diversi?n makes to forget all the ills. If your children are fighting much, inv?tales for a walk and play in the open air.
Vilma Medina. Editor of GuiaInfantil.com
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