Playing with paper is extremely stimulating and rewarding for the ni?os. With just a bent aqu? and other all? can transform a piece of paper in many interesting figures. From a boat and a flower to a duck and a hat. In this case, I suggest that you do your child a Pacman , an ancient game that just need a sheet of paper and color l?pices. Adem?s simple, is a very econ?mico game.
The t?cnica of the origami Origami is ideal to stimulate the creativity of the ni?os and the imaginaci?n, develop manual dexterity and promote his atenci?n and concentraci?n. ?C?mo play? If you don't know or you do not remember c?mo to play the game, I said to refresh your memories and foster your knowledge. In this podr?s v?deo learn step by step c?mo do a game with your child.

After folding the paper and do the Pacman, ni?o podr? play with alg?n amiguito?al as first prompts that you tell you a n?mero from 1 to 10, to corresponder? many times deber? to move Pacman, i.e. open it and close it.

Stays open Pacman when leave the n?mero requested by the other. Then, the ni?o or the deber? ni?a choose one of the figures you see in the fold and run the task defined in the game, as mimic animal alg?n, give flips, etc. Tambi?n you can, instead of the task, paint each side of a color. The color that you choose the ni?o or the ni?a, is corresponder? a virtue or defect as handsome, gru??n, simp?tico, ugly, etc.
Everything is a cuesti?n imaginaci?n and the ni?os have fun. To me, personally, I loved playing with the Pacman. Sol?a walk through the courtyard of the school asking about and others. It was a very popular game during recess hours. Insurance tambi?n have enjoyed it. Already I contar?s. If you do not remember c?mo is a Pacman, aqu? have a v?deo with that aprender?s step c?mo made this game so appealing.
Vilma Medina. Director of GuiaInfantil.com
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