To celebrate World Breastfeeding Week, which focuses on the week of 1 to 7 August, the Hospital Nisa Pardo Aravaca?ofrece a brief cap?tulo with recommendations for the mothers who start to breastfeeding or breastfeed their beb?. If you start with breastfeeding, I advise that you know these tips to give your chest to your beb? in the best possible way and not only conducive to the beb? as tambi?n to your health.

Breast milk is arguably the best food for the baby reci?n and ?nico you need to take the beb? in the first 6 months of life. That's what recommended by the World Health Organizaci?n (who) which, in this ocasi?n advises that only a third of the beb?s around the world are breastfed in the first 6 months.
Breast milk is a natural, nutritious food to digest f?cil and protects the reci?n born diseases, making as? a good development. Tambi?n speeds up the recuperaci?n of the mother after childbirth and makes that mother and son feel especially United in an affective v?nculo.
Recommendations for breastfeeding:
1. Getting started immediately after the birth.
2. The jacks ser?n to demand, when born reci?n prompted, without daylight saving time.
3 Let the ni?o vac?e the chest and so release only.
4 Always begin with the previous Socket chest ?ltimo. Chest works demand, how much m?s offer your child m?s milk producir?.
5. Wash your chest with water after the jacks and dry thoroughly.
6 Insert the mammary areola in the mouth of the ni?o and the pez?n and test different positions by selecting the c?moda m?s to prevent cracks.
7 If your child asks with m?s frequency and note you little full breasts, you might think that he is hungry. Do not you d? a biber?n, p?ngale times to the chest, as? producir? m?s milk m?s.
8. Eat a varied diet. Avoid the alcoh?licas drinks and tobacco. If you feel thirsty drink m?s l?quidos (water, juices).
9. Do not offer bottles except prescripci?n m?dica, does not require and entorpecer? breastfeeding.
10. If you have problems with breastfeeding p?ngase contact your pediatrician.
Vilma Medina. Director of GuiaInfantil.com
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