Sure that many parents have asked ever if it is normal that the ni?o speak only, imagine characters, crie stories, situations, and y?juegue relates to them. Because confess that I tambi?n worried ever, but without any raz?n. The imaginaci?n, as? the ni?os fantas?a are absolutely normal. ?Qu? type of fantas?as to create your child? Does ?Tu son alg?n imaginary friend?

The ni?o uses the imaginaci?n to get understand, interpret and recreate the world that surrounds him. Your fantas?a help you understand certain rules, l?mites, to put themselves in the place of another, and to create an environment ?ntimo, full of magic, in s?lo ?l have access. Imaginaci?n ser?a something as? like a grand?simo mirror of reality in which he lives the ni?o. It is the basis of their creativity, and therefore, it should be free and respected.
When the ni?o imagine and fantasizes tambi?n have fun and at the same time, externalises their own problems and concerns, in a world where the rules and decisions belong to ?l s?lo. The ni?o controls everything and everyone. Invent friends, brothers, imaginary people who normally have the same age as ?l. Mix the sue?o with reality.
It is normal tambi?n that the ni?o try to hide their imaginary world of parents. This is the form that has ?l protect your fantas?a and away from any possible cr?tica. The imaginary world of ni?o s?lo could be preocupaci?n If contin?a persist throughout its development or if it prevents the ni?o to be aware of the reality in which he lives.
Vilma Medina?. Director of GuiaInfantil.com
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