The great preocupaci?n of parents when they have to leave their beb? in a guarder?a or nursery school is if your estar? peque?o being well nurtured, protected and educated, while they est?n in their work. A nursery school elecci?n may represent a dif?cil decisi?n for many families, mainly when it comes to new parents.
Thinking on the dif?cil which is for many parents choose the nursery school appropriate to its beb? have gathered a few tips 10 pr?cticos to do so:2. It is important for school est? close home or workplace of the family. And that he always has its doors open to the family. The comunicaci?n is very important. ?
3. In deciding on the best school, it is recommended that you visit a few personally and that hi-hat with the educational team and direcci?n on the activities developed with the peque?os if they have proper formaci?n and experiences in child educaci?n, etc. If you do not inspire confidence or if your curriculum does not match what you expect, don't hesitate, you have to look for another school.4 During a personal visit to the school, it is very important that you carefully observe the cleaning of facilities (including the kitchen and the ba?os), as? as the quality of material pedag?gico, toys and furniture, the climatizaci?n and c?mo is the security in Windows, doors, etc.
5. If your beb? are going to eat at school, you have the right to know qu?'re going to eat all the d?as. Requests the weekly men?, as? I ser? m?s f?cil choose a complementary dinner for ?l.6. It is advisable before deciding on qu? school dejar?s to your beb?, who look and talk with other parents who have their children in the school. P?DELES your opini?n.
7. The relaci?n money offered by the tambi?n school is important when choosing a local. Remember that habr? a different price in funci?n hours and services that you have requested.8 Know the per?odo of adaptaci?n adopted by the school for the beb?s as? how c?mo for the school team is faced with conflicting situations of adaptaci?n. It is necessary that the beb? go happy to school.
9. The comunicaci?n between parents and school is essential to the well-being and development of the beb?. Your son ser? the ?term?metro?, the primary indicator of satisfacci?n of the school. It is therefore necessary to pay attention to the se?ales than env?an est?n parents beb?, if notice that something has changed in their conduct, if it has become a m?s llor?n beb? if you come clean, if it doesn't present any herida? should look for explanations.10. It is extremely important that you know your beb? school evoluci?n. Trav?s assessments and tutor?as that promote the school, podr?s know the skills and capabilities to est? learning your beb?.
Vilma Medina. Director of GuiaInfantil.com
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