It is important not to repeat lies often so ni?os, that are very clever, not doubt its veracity. These toy own parents have a purpose: that abide by the ni?os. Some of the lies of a mother common m?s are: "If you tell me, you not punishment or lev?ntate which are already nine..." Does ?Te sound?

Sure that, like me, you've ever forced to tell kids alg?n embuste with good intenci?n to get you espabilen, do what should be on time or tell you what est?s forward to hear. Some of the m?s c?lebres lies of mothers are, in fact, good advice as "If you approach too to the screen of the televisi?n, you da?ar?s the view", "makes too much fr?o, abr?gate you're going to colds", "stop gnashing you fingers or you saldr? arthritis", "l?vate behind the ears or you saldr?n barnacles", "If you swallow chewing gum"", are you glued to the est?mago quedar?", "If you play with toads and frogs, you saldr?n warts" and the top ten of all of them, "b?jate than you abrir?s head".
But the lies that say pap? and mam? are not all so innocent as ?stas, some come directly out of the soul and arrive at the coraz?n. They tendered for being loaded with love and generosity because delivery to children, especially in times dif?ciles has made many parents to sacrifice even their food raci?n by entreg?rsela their children.Never podr? forget a story to le? time ago based on the vital vicissitudes of a selfless mother concerned to bring forward his son. Throughout his life, had to tell a few lies that are testimony to m?s great generosity I have known jam?s. As?, when the pa?s where viv?an was recovering from the ground disaster of the civil war, men and women hac?an long queues to get a food porci?n peque?a. When after all the ma?ana waiting, that s?lo got hab?a mam? a peque?a porci?n of bread, she is it gave to his son dici?ndo: "c?metela t?, I have no hunger".
Shortly despu?s consigui? win alg?n money sewing pants. To finish them to meet orders in time, stayed to sew at night in the light of one candle and when your child is unveiled, it you dec?a that "went to sleep at night she was not tired". After the death of her husband, he had to unfold it and assume the role of father and mother. Obsessed for studies to your child, your econ?mica empeor? situaci?n and her family you aconsej? that remarried. However, when his son you pregunt? if the har?a, she will respondi? that m?s "didn't love as yours". ?And finally, when already old and ill, was diagnosed with c?ncer, his son was to see her. To find it as lying in bed, d?bil is ech? to cry. VI?ndo the l?grimas in the eyes of his son, she said, "don't cry, if it doesn't hurt me".
New Marisol. Editor of GuiaInfantil.com
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