The Santa Fe Ministry of education launched a new cycle of teacher training that combines comprehensive sexuality education and road safety. It is for educators in initial, primary and special level who are invited "to form and revise their ideas and school everyday practices in these two areas". Called "Caring for life." Comprehensive sex education and road safety. "Educating children to care for themselves and others," the proposal combines "two themes considered fundamental for the formation of the young generation", indicate from the Ministry and added that it is aimed at teachers in initial, primary and special education in the province. The target _describen_ is "form teachers who care and self-care in children and respect for the norms of coexistence in the public space, and provide tools for understanding and the pedagogical approach of comprehensive sexuality education and road safety from a complex perspective, enabling them to generate proposals and participatory projects involving their students"", in the framework that raise comprehensive sexuality education and driver education laws". "Learning to live together is one of the priorities of the Santa Fe education project for all levels and modalities of the system." "This objective involves a series of knowledge concerning the ways in which children are linked together, care and valued his own body, respect the rights of others, prevent risk behaviors, protect the space they inhabit", referred to in the training project. "From this perspective, the comprehensive sexuality education and the road safety education recognize a same raison d ' être: contribute to the coexistence." "There the idea of uniting them under the same training programme, but with differentiated and specific workspaces", continues the proposal. "Teachers of elementary, primary and special education are invited to form and revise their ideas and everyday school practices in these two areas, assuming enormous responsibility for promoting children attitudes of privacy policy and sovereignty of the own body, respect for difference and rejection of all forms of discrimination, monitoring the rules governing social life and above all care for life as inalienable principle"He says. The training shall be made in five nodes: Rosario, Santa Fe, Reconquista, Rafaela and Venado Tuerto. It comprises 4 monthly meetings of 8 hours of compulsory attendance and work of accreditation which will axle production materials and activities to perform in the classroom referred to the two axes of training. Non-Presential work through virtual platform-specific, by completing a total of 80 hours training clock will be added to the face-to-face hours. Those interested in participating in the journey of training can enroll through the following site: www.formacioncontinuame.gov.ar/inscripcionesStreet cuts yesterday, caused many problems in different parts of the city. (Photo: S. Toriggino).
The race dismantled last night took the Colombres Avenue of Puccio to Gurruchaga backdrop.
The standard aims to equate the rights of boys and girls so that they receive equal protection of the State. (File photo)
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