lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012

Sileoni stressed the importance of comprehensive sexuality education and... - Thelma

Education Minister Alberto Sileoni, stated that the programme of Integral Sexual education (ESI) the Government intends to "reach to 45 thousand schools in the country, and all levels and modalities, because this issue is very important".

"We want to adhere to what has to fulfil: that comprehensive sex education actually occurs in the classroom", stressed Sileoni to lecture this Tuesday in Santa Rosa, in the framework of the days of institutional training in education Sexual Integral (ESI) 2012-2015.

Sileoni shared the inaugural panel of the Conference with the Minister of culture and provincial education, Jacqueline evangelist, and the Coordinator of the national program of ESI, Mirta Marina.

"We know it is a difficult task because sex education, in some sense challenges, mobilize our own history and culture." "But teachers as agents of the State, must face up to this responsibility," the official said.

"The school - he said - is a public territory and organization of the public policies are held on laws, not on opinions and perceptions".

"We are part of a Government that has put into force a law on national education, sex education, gender and marriage equal identity." "In this sense, is a good time of Argentine society to switch on these issues," said the owner of the education portfolio.

Assured that the school "it must be a movement of ideas plurals territory, but it cannot have pedagogical silence concerning issues such as the preservation of the health or any attitude of discrimination".

In that regard, he pointed out that "there are democratic principles that are non-negotiable, such as the right of our children and young people to have accurate and validated information on sexual education, which can converge with the ideology of each".

For its part, evangelist remarked that "when the children and adolescents are not reported and form in sex education we have situations of abuse, early pregnancy and child abuse, which often leave fingerprints on the subject and, in addition, cause the dropout".

"For educators - said - this is a priority issue, accompanying the families and parents". "And where they are not, as teachers, as provincial and national State, we have the obligation to ensure access to this information."

"With this training we are forming to teachers that will be transmitted to the rest of the educational community, and replicate the approach they have learned of this type of topics so that it reaches the classrooms", the provincial official said.

The days of institutional training in education Sexual Integral (ESI) 2012-2015 are intended to train a steering and a teacher of every educational institution in the province, with the purpose of that act as multiplier agents in their communities for the implementation of ESI in schools, as you said a statement from the education portfolio.

The national institutional training on ESI Plan will reach about 30 thousand schools in four years and the proposal - which seeks to strengthen the technical capacity of jurisdictions and accompany the implementation of the national law of education Sexual Integral - arriving 7,000 educational establishments during 2012.

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