lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012

Sex education in schools is due or not to teach? -Tucumán news

Estimated reading time: 73 min.

? Tucum?n news | 10/9/2012-00: 00 hours. | In a secondary establishment of Formosa, there are six expecting a teenager who is mam? and asks for permission to teachers, schedule of classes, to breastfeed their beb?. Before this situaci?n, a Professor of instituci?n, decidi? ense?ar, a video, educaci?n sex trav?s. The teacher was suspended for taking such decisions without consultation with the authorities of the school ?Tras this situaci?n there is debate, because there is a law of sexual educaci?n already existing est? in the Argentina, but is insistida, on many occasions by the parents. Some are reluctant to let them be themselves educators that are inculcate this type of concept to their children. Tambi?n from another sector ensure that teachers do not est?n in terms of addressing this subject.TV, sali? to the streets of the city and press pregunt? to several people if they parec?a or ?no that in schools is ense?e ?educaci?n sexual?: ?stas were the se?or contest? respuesta:?Un: ?Creo that est? well, learn that sexual educaci?n because you have to be well aware, for all diseases to existen??Pienso that is necessary, because it is a prevenci?nboth for the var?n, as for the mujer?, a se?ora said.Opin? a teenage girl: ?El problem is that not deepen, because the t?pico says that you must use condoms, but does not tell us that there are diseases, such as AIDS or we do not report forms of infection or diseases with which we can get, I think that habr?a there is a little further mas??S? than ense?arles, but everything will depend on the age. It is important because in Tucum?n, sees many adolescents, pregnant minor girls and happens due to ignorance. And tambi?n ?por everything what they see in the televisi?n and on the Internet. I believe that since the primary already know chicos?, expres? a woman. ??Me seems important to begin to educate boys from boys, and this will avoid many problems when they are grandes?, held a se?oraA the same time, a mother and grandmother said: ?Me is fine, must be educated in schools. I have two teenage sons and have a daughter of 21 a?os which is a single mother. And I am that you ense?o, but I gustar?a them to be educated in schools. Today, at the present time should not be dif?cil educate kids about sex at home, because that's part of the educaci?n of the familias?. The secci?n notes | Follow our channel | Add to Favorites
? Tucum?n news. SEG?n art.32 of law No. 11.723 "news of inter?s general podr?n be used, transmitted or retransmitted;" "but when they will be published in its original versi?n ser? necessary to express the source of them." As a result, Tucum?n news not is har? responsible for the published informaci?n, when you cite the source of the same. / font >


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