As? the anticip? the Minister of Chaco Educaci?n, Francisco Romero. Incluir? as central axes: sexual educaci?n integral, environmental educaci?n, road educaci?n and ciudadan?a construcci?n.

In the context of the closure of the Pedag?gico Provincial Congress, the Minister of Chaco Educaci?n, Francisco Romero, anticip? to the new curricular dise?os are instrumentar?n from a?o 2013 between the central axis are included comprehensive sexual educaci?n, environmental educaci?n, road educaci?n and ciudadan?a construcci?n.
?A starting 2013 in the Chaco new content level initial, primary, secondary and Educaci?n higher to tendr? its Congress on 23 and 24 October with crosscutting issues such as sexual educaci?n comprehensive, environmental educaci?n, road educaci?n and construcci?n of ciudadan?a?, precis? Romero in contact with the media.
New content with high participaci?n
The Chaco Educaci?n Minister destac? to the new dise?o curricular surgi? of eleven regional meetings were with the participaci?n of ten thousand teachers m?s, adem?s of the educational community and educational forums to rondar?an ind?genas fifteen thousand participants.
?Hay an agenda that builds all the d?as, quietly, and that has to do with the new that occurs, which is m?s inclusi?n, m?s equity m?s educational quality in which we want to weigh the v?spera d?a in tribute to teachers that ma?ana will be celebrating its d?a, which is the fundamental of the p?blica? educaci?n d?a, se?al?.
The holder of the provincial education portfolio reflexion? ?este is a triumph of collective construcci?n, participaci?n and producci?n of consenso? and aclar? that ?no is an artificial curricular dise?o and from outside of the community educativa?.
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